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26 September 2008

Final Year Examinations,

Dear 2E4 , gosh I'm pretty anxious as the FYE is reaching very soon. It's in another two more days. Do work hard and MUG hardcore to achieve the results you wish for. If you think sitting around would make informations fall into your head and assure you a 90% then you're wrong. Well, how did i know huh ? It's because I tried it before. Ha-ha! Anyway, goodluck to everyone. Take good care as you wouldn't wanna fall sick during this period of time. Do answer all questions on the paper, and sleep ! If you feel like not completing the paper, by all means. We just won't end up being in the same class next year. I'll miss you sweethearts. Excel for the best class! Show the teachers what 2E4 is made up of ;)