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09 February 2007

Tiime ferr dhhe reveal..

okokays ..
n0w .. iits tiime ferr thhe resullts orff the c0uples c0ntest ..
iie bet all of uue arre eagle ttu n0e wh0 will have to holld hands
on monday ttu walk from ourr classroom to the canteen !
okayys ..
s0 let miie st0rpp myiie crapiinqx and tell y0u all the answer ..
thhe .. first c0uplle iihs ..
JESS <3 JARRON [[12 votes]]
followed byy ..
CHLOE <3 JINGYU [[11votes]]
JESS<3 SENGHAW[[7votes]] but they cant hold hands cus jess is taken xD
CHLOE <3 JORDAN[[5votes]] neitherr can they cus chloe iis taken xD
SUFIAH <3 IRFAN[[3votes]]
s0 the c0uples datt need to hold hands arre now changed ttu ..
sufiah and irfan **
alexcheah and ethel **
as for chloe and jialin ,
they must choose who they want to hold hands with [[:
okokays .
thhe resullt iis out .
waiit for monday to see these couples walk together hand in hand ;]
SPREAD thhe news to evryonne !!!!!!!!!!
weee!!!the results is going to be out by tonight 12am!!!all those who havent vote yet go now!!!
the leading couples are:

Jarron//Jess =2votes
alex cheah//ethel=1vote
seng haw //jess=1vote
sorri juz now forget write^^

who 's going tow in LOlx

go vote now!!!!
